Homeopathy Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the nerves of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) degenerate. Myelin, which provides a covering or insulation for nerves, improves the conduction of impulses along the nerves and also is important for maintaining the health of the nerves. In multiple sclerosis, inflammation causes the myelin to disappear. Consequently, the electrical impulses that travel along the nerves decelerate, that is, become slower. In addition, the nerves themselves are damaged. As more and more nerves are affected, a person experiences a progressive interference with functions that are controlled by the nervous system such as vision, speech, walking, writing, and memory.

Role of Homeopathy

Homeopathy remedies as works at immune level may help in this condition. According to totality symptoms well selected remedies can help to check the disease progression. We apply the most scientific and research based homeopathy treatment that gives a long standing cure to the ailment.

How to start treatment

You can start your acne treatment online in our Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center. How to start please CLICK HERE
