Homeopathy Treatment for vitiligo | Leucoderma Treatment

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which there is a loss of brown color (pigment) from areas of skin, resulting in irregular white patches that feel like normal skin. It is an auto immune disorder.

Vitiligo appears to occur when immune cells destroy the cells that produce brown pigment (melanocytes). This destruction is thought to be due to an autoimmune problem, but the cause is unknown.

Role of Homeopathy

In our Multicare homeopathy online treatment center peoples suffering from vitiligo have been benefitted using our advanced homeopathic treatment packages. We apply the most scientific and research based homeopathy treatment package that gives a long standing cure to the ailment.

How to start treatment

You can start your acne treatment online in our Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center. How to start please CLICK HERE
